G John Power Steel Wire
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G John Power Steel Wire

Wire Drawing and Annealing Steel Manufacturing Process

G John Power’s focus on high quality products starts with rod feedstock obtained from approved suppliers who meet the criteria for relevant production specifications.

Mechanical descaling provides an integral link to wire drawing and is used whenever possible in place of traditional chemical cleaning methods. Lubrication is applied to suit a variety of Cold Heading and Wire user requirements.

After cleaning, wire is processed through the plant in direct drawn, annealed or inter-annealed condition to produce a range of high specification products.

Finished drawn wire is supplied in coils up to 1000 KGs maximum. Cut to length service also available.

G John Power is certified for Quality Management ISO 9001 and Environmental 14001.

Environmental Policy Statement

In pursuing our business objectives, it is the policy of G John Power Ltd to manage activities on our Halesowen site to give an overall benefit to society, whilst ensuring that:

- All relevant legislation and regulations are met

- Our operations are conducted safely, protecting the health of employees and all others who may be affected

- Our activities are acceptable to the community at large

- Our environmental impact is reduced to a practicable minimum, having due regard to the overall cost to the company and society

- We will always seek to continually improve our performance in all aspects of Safety, Health and Environmental management.

Specifically we will:

- Maintain a comprehensive Health and Safety Management System, mandatory on all employees, which fully comply with the spirit and the letter of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and all other relevant legislation,

- Meet and, where appropriate, exceed the requirements of all relevant environmental legislation and regulations, whilst working towards the prevention of all forms of pollution

- Seek to reduce the consumption of materials and energy in all of our operations, reuse rather than dispose whenever possible, and promote recycling and the use of recycled materials

- Encourage our suppliers and customers to minimise the impact of their operations on the environment

- Continually monitor our progress and review the results of this policy at least on an annual basis, making revisions as appropriate

- Provide the resources to enable this policy to be implemented in full

- Operate this policy according to the requirements of BS EN ISO 14001.